As of September 2024
National: Data for Progress, Sept. 6-11, 2024. (1,225 likely voters nationwide) Over 70% believe billionaires should be paying more in taxes, including over two-thirds (71%) of independents and a majority of Republicans (53%).
Battleground Congressional Districts: Impact Research, Aug. 7-12 2024. (1,500 likely voters in 61 competitive Congressional districts) A majority of voters (55%), including half of independents, oppose permanently extending the Trump-GOP tax cuts. A majority of respondents (55%) and of independents (53%) said that Republican tax policies favor the wealthy and corporations. Only a third (32%) of voters trust that incumbent Republican members of Congress will ensure the rich pay their fair share of taxes, while almost half (47%) trust that incumbent Democrats will (a relatively large 24% and 27%, respectively, didn’t know).
Seven Swing States: Morning Consult, Mar. 14-17 2024. (4,932 voters in AZ, GA, MI, WI, NV, PA, NC)
By a margin of 49% (70% to 21%), voters support raising taxes on billionaires.
National: Data For Progress, March 15-20, 2023 (1,204 likely voters)
By a margin of 68% to 25%, voters support a “billionaire tax” that would require the wealthiest Americans to pay at least 25% in taxes on all their wealth over $100 million.
National: Morning Consult, March 11-12, 2023 (2,001 registered voters)
By a margin of 63% to 27%, including 62% of Independents, voters support a “25% minimum tax on all the income of the wealthiest 0.01% of Americans.”
National: YouGov, Sep. 16-19, 2022 (1,000 adult citizens)
By a margin of 61% to 22%, including 55% of Independents and 46% of Republicans, respondents support “requiring American households earning $100 million or more to pay at least 20% of their income in taxes.” By a margin of 67% to 21%, Americans agree that “a billion dollars is far more than any person needs, even if they live a lavish lifestyle.” By a margin of 70% to 15%, Americans agree that “some level of extreme wealth inevitably corrupts.”
National: Impact Research, Aug. 30-Sep. 7, 2022 (1,200 likely voters, including a 200-person Independent oversample, MOE + / – 3.1 percentage points)
Three-quarters (74%) of likely voters said they “would support a Billionaire Minimum Income Tax, which would require American households worth more than $100 million to pay at least 20% of their annual income in taxes.” (Q19) Support by party breakdown: Democrats (94%), Independents (72%) and Republicans (55%).
National: RealClear Opinion Research, June 10-13, 2022 (2,201 registered voters)
By a margin of 72% to 16%, voters supported “A Billionaire Minimum Income Tax, which would require American households worth more than $100 million to pay at least 20% of their annual income in taxes?” Overall, 63% of Republicans supported the tax.
National: Data for Progress, April 1-2, 2022 (1,253 likely voters, online panel, MOE +/-3%)
After having the main features of President Joe Biden’s Billionaire Minimum Income Tax explained to them, respondents were asked: “Do you support or oppose this proposal requiring households worth over $100 million to pay yearly taxes on all of their income, including the increased value of assets like corporate stock.” 59%, including 55% of Independents and 46% of Republicans, said they supported the measure, and just 31% opposed it. After pro- and con-messages were presented to the respondents, 58% still supported the measure, including 55% of Independents and 44% of Republicans.
National: YouGov, Mar. 31-Apr. 1, 2022 (7,693 adults)
YouGov finds that most Americans are skeptical that U.S. billionaires pay the full amount of taxes they owe. Three in five (60%) say they don’t generally pay the full amount they owe, while only 22% say they generally do. It also finds that 63% of U.S. adults somewhat or strongly support implementing a 20% tax on income over $100 million, while 20% somewhat or strongly oppose doing so. At least half of Democrats, Independents, and Republicans support this tax provision, as well as a majority of Americans across the income spectrum.
National: Global Strategy Group/GBAO/Navigator, March 17-21, 2022 (1,000 registered voters)
69% of voters agree that “billionaires and big corporations no longer being able to get away with not paying their fair share of taxes” would help combat rising prices. (It tested as one of the top messages.) A majority of Independents (68%) and a plurality of Republicans (47%) held this point of view. Among “economically persuadable” voters (those who disapprove of President Biden but support Build Back Better) 80% agree that making billionaires and big corporations pay their fair share in taxes would help reduce rising prices.
National: Data for Progress, Nov. 10-15, 2021 (1,323 likely voters, online panel, MOE +/-3%)
After having the main features of Senator Ron Wyden’s Billionaires Income Tax explained to them, respondents were asked: “Do you support or oppose a proposal where billionaires pay yearly taxes on their assets, like stocks, that have increased in value.” 64%, including 61% of Independents and 47% of Republicans, said they supported the measure, and just 25% opposed it. After pro- and con-messages were presented to the respondents, 61% still supported the measure, including 55% of Independents and 51% of Republicans.